Carrying laptops around in the monsoon is risky

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The domain investor does not carry laptops in public places since carrying laptops in the monsoon is risky for a number of reasons.
– The 9 years of torture and robbery by the ntro employees led by j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, parmar,caro who hate her, has adversely affected her shoulders, it is very painful to carry more weight
– another side effect of 9 years of torture and robbery by the ntro employees led by j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, parmar is that she cannot drive any vehicle, so she has to walk or use public transport, so the laptop is more likely to be handled roughly, exposed to rain
– if water falls on the laptop, it is likely to get damaged, and all data will be lost
– the laptop is also very expensive, is is costing Rs 15000 or more,and if it is damaged, she will lose the money. On the other hand, if she uses a notebook costing Rs 40 or Rs 45, the damage caused by rain will be far less. Also the notebook is lighter in weight than the laptop

Warning about goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, obc slut sunaina, brahmin cheater nayanshree and others

Due to the complete lack of ethics and personal integrity in indian intelligence agencies, the real domain is forced to warn all the visitors to the website, domain investors that goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, slim obc bhandari slut bsc sunaina who offers top officials sex bribes , bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, veena, ruchika, asmita patel and others are not associated with the website in any way as these lazy greedy cheater fraud women do not spend any money on the expenses or do any work, yet these frauds are getting credit before powerful officials allegedly in NTRO are hacking the laptop wasting indian tax payer money.
Like the sreya ukil case indicated sexual harassment is rampant in the indian tech sector, so powerful intelligence agency officials in CBI, R&AW, NTRO are sexually harassing, defaming the real obc bhandari single woman engineer, domain investor and Paypal account holder, falsely claiming that their lazy greedy cheater friends and relatives own the domain names to get these friends great powers, allegedly a job in R&AW.
If these lazy greedy cheater women actually own the domain names, websites why dont these frauds and their powerful friends file a defamation case, which they will never do, because they are the real frauds. The real middle aged domain investor being viciously defamed is forced to exposed these shameless greedy frauds on all the websites