Just because a domain investor can write reasonably well, dishonest security agency officials are falsely labelling her a security threat to divert and steal her smses without a legally valid reason, causing problems, wasting her time. Usually the bank is sending an sms whenever a cheque is presented for clearance and also when a missed call is made to a particular number starting with 080 .
However on 28 September 2016, the sms for cheques was not delivered to the registered phone number, in Panaji, Goa. For the balance sms , the domain investor made three missed calls, for the first two missed calls, the sms was not delivered to the airtel number.
Only around 4 pm when the domain investor made a missed call to the number, the sms was delivered with the message that it was the third and final sms , indicating that the first two smses were delivered to a google, tata sponsored R&AW/CBI employee who deleted the sms.
Like the CBI officials who indirectly killed the family of BK Bansal, in goa also the cbi/raw employees are extremely cruel greedy frauds with no morals and no humanity at all. When there are so many errors, in mobile networks and there is no reliability, it is better to opt for offline methods of communication
SMSes not received again due to fraud R&AW/CBI employees
The google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud R&AW/CBI employees faking a btech 1993 EE degree like goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi, slim goan obc bhandari fraud sunaina chodnekar, shivalli brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar,, have become extremely arrogant knowing that the shameless fraud ntro, raw, cbi officials will protect and reward them for all their lies, fraud, atrocities on a harmless obc single woman engineer whose resume these fraud intelligence employees have stolen.
Again on 26 September 2016, the obc engineer finds that all her correspondence, especially smses are not getting delivered because the fraud raw/cbi employees especially riddhi siddhi are abusing their discretionary powers to divert, and delete the smses
Again the obc engineer, domain investor made a missed call to the phone number provided by the bank using a mobile phone, to get the account details by sms, however the smses were not delivered, despite making missed calls repeatedly
Can ntro, raw, cbi explain how diverting and deleting the smses is a matter of national security
Domain fraudster R&AW employees asmita patel, nayanshree hathwar, sex worker sunaina chodnekar and others launch criminal attack on domain investor
In a clear indication of the corruption, nepotism and human rights abuses in India in 2016, domain fraudsters like gujju flirt asmita patel, bengaluru shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, slim goan obc bhandari sex worker sunaina chodnekar who has SEX with top officials, goan gsb frauds riddhi siddhi and others, who are openly faking their btech 1993 EE degree, resume, domain and other investments are considered to be VVIps and given great powers, R&AW jobs with monthly salary and allowed to waste indian tax payer money to stalk and torture the harmless obc engineer who actually has a btech 1993 EE degree and owns domain names daily.
The latest criminal attack of these google, tata sponsored fraud R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees and their associates on the harmless domain investor using microwave radiation weapons took place at about 14.10 hours on 21 September 2016
As the domain investor was near the Fire Brigade, at St Inez, Panaji, these criminal ntro officials gave a missed call on her mobile number to track the exact location of the domain investor. The phone call was from NTRO/R&AW officials because the mobile phone was ringing and yet the phone log was not showing any number.. They then greatly increased the radiation levels associated with the mobile phone to cause a very severe headache, causing great pain. It was rainly heavily, so the mobile phone could not be easily switched off .
It was an intentional criminal attack of cruel powerful selfish animal like ntro, government officials on a harmless indian citizen, causing great pain out of hatred or to please their bosses in google, tata . The criminal ntro official who launched the microwave radiation attack only had the area in campal in his control, and has been attacking the domain investor repeatedly using the mobile number to track her location.
Though the domain investor is a harmless citizen trying to earn a living, allegedly bribed by google, tata he has been bribed to criminally attack the domain investor, link seller, google competitor at every opportunity as part of the iit kharagpur gold medalist sundar pichai led google’s plan to destroy competition, murdering them slowly. So the cruel criminal security agency official in campal area has programmed the surveillance system to send a notification to him, whenever the domain investor will enter the area with the mobile phone switched on, so that he can initiate the attack.
The criminal official will then increase the radiation levels greatly to cause microwave burns or headache depending on the orders of his bosses in google, tata, the problem has been noticed repeatedly . The only way to avoid being criminally attacked by the contract killer ntro officials is to keep the mobile phone switched off. Though some people may not be able to contact, the mobile user will also avoid a criminal attack by the cruel animal like contract killer ntro officials in ntro.
The security agency or ntro official is getting a good salary and pension from the indian government, yet he is ruthlessly in misusing expensive ntro equipment FREELANCING FOR GOOGLE, TATA to slowly murder harmless civilians for a certain amount. The indian government should officially publish the rate at which their employees are freelancing as contract killers, murdering harmless indian citizens with microwave weapons
As the indian government refuses to take any action against their employees who are freelancing as contract killers for top corporates, mercilessly torturing harmless indian citizens, every major attack on a harmless domain investor, will be documented in great detail so that people are aware of the great human rights abuses, torture of harmless citizens committed daily giving fake excuses of national security.
Karma catches up with samsung with Note 7
In India, people were usually honest because of the concept of Karma, that if you cheat, exploit anyone, Karma will ensure that the cheater, person exploiting others will also suffer one day because of his or her deeds. Western countries and large companies like google, tata, samsung usually ignore the concept of karma, behaving unethically for their corporate goals.
For example samsung allegedly rewarded those who stole a samsung galaxy grand from customer, falsely claiming that the thieves, allegedly fraud R&AW employees goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari sex expert sunaina, shivalli brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, veena and other frauds, owned the smartphone, though none of these frauds paid a single penny towards the credit card bill.
All these fraud R&AW employees were rewarded by samsung for stealing the samsung galaxy grand directly or indirectly, and now the samsung note 7 controversy is karma for rewarding samsung galaxy grand smartphone robbers with indian intelligence jobs , instead of punishing them.
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Goan Gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees riddhi siddhi steal, delete smses
The google, tata, ntro, goan gsb fraud mafia officials of caro, nayak, mandrekar in intelligence and security agencies pretend to be honest saints when they are making up false stories defaming a harmless obc single woman engineer yet these officials are shameless hypocrites who conveniently ignore their endless frauds , and the frauds of their friends and relatives.
For more than 6 years, these intelligence and security agencies have been making fake allegations of a security threat without any proof at all against a harmless single woman obc engineer and domain investor to defame, cheat, exploit her, deny opportunities and divert, steal her correspondence. The diversion and theft of smses has become a very lucrative racket for these goan gsb fraud R&AW/CBI employees, yet it causes many problems for the person whose smses are diverted and stolen, as no one can contact them .
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